What a wonderful portrait drawing by Deanna Lavoie on the cover of your February edition. The message was also special “May we be resilient, love, laugh and...
Tag - editorial
I found it interesting that in the February issue of this paper, Dr. James Trofimuk is discussing freedom of speech and how anything that departs from what...
Congratulations to Collette Winters who has moved from Director of Planning to Director of Operations. Rocky View administration has selected a company called...
Hello February!!! This month we have a paper full of articles and comments. I would like to draw your attention to a few things in particular this month. There...
To the Editor, The following is a letter I have written and sent to Miranda Rosin in response to her article “Freedom in a Floundering World”. Miranda, I am...
Dear Editor of the High Country News: In response to your recent article titled “Freedom in a Floundering World” by Ms. Maranda Rosin, I wish this dangerously...
I am writing this article in response to my concern with which the Banff- Kananaskis MLA, Miranda Rosin, is being portrayed in social media sites and by some...
This article is part of an email that I sent to Ms. Rosin, our MLA, in response to her article: “Freedom in a Floundering World”. I found her article deeply...
Animal-Vehicle Collisions Hit Close To Home When we first moved to Calgary from inner London (UK, not Ontario), one of the things we loved most was the...
After 21 years of fundraising for one of Turner Valley’s most beloved facility, the Friends of the Pool Society has given notice it is disbanding. Long serving...