Dear Editor of the High Country News: In response to your recent article titled “Freedom in a Floundering World” by Ms. Maranda Rosin, I wish this dangerously...
Tag - politics
I am writing this article in response to my concern with which the Banff- Kananaskis MLA, Miranda Rosin, is being portrayed in social media sites and by some...
This article is part of an email that I sent to Ms. Rosin, our MLA, in response to her article: “Freedom in a Floundering World”. I found her article deeply...
Albertans are proud of their resource industries, from agriculture to forestry to oil and gas. Our economy thrives off of resource production and innovation...
Due to a number of complex applications scheduled for Public Hearings in a short time frame, three Special Council Meetings are scheduled for February and...
Working Together to Overcome the Stigma Opioid addiction is a serious problem in southern Alberta, but the situation has surpassed a crisis level due in large...
Snow Event: Over the Christmas holidays, we experienced one of the biggest snowfall events in years – 2 feet of snow across the whole county. Public...
Freedom in a Floundering World If you are like me, you are likely wondering what this 2021 will look like. A short twelve months ago we embarked optimistically...
A Time for Albertans to Stick Together There are two possible reactions to natural and manmade disasters. Driven by fear, we can allow disasters to divide us...
Welcome High Country News Readers: Hopefully January finds you and your extended families well. Springbank and Elbow Valley residents have asked for more of my...