Winter Safety Like it or not, winter is coming. It’s time to get prepared for whatever it will bring! Follow these tips for staying safe: 1. Have fun outdoors...
Tag - community
The Priddis Community Hall is open with restrictions for COVID-19. The Hall parking lot has limited space so please respect social distancing. Do not leave...
While most local libraries are now able to open and operate almost normally, we at Millarville cannot do that as our library operates with one part-time...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Can you believe it’s October already? Fall is definitely upon us, as the leaves cloak the ground, the squirrels scurry about securing...
Located on Highway 22X about five minutes west of Spruce Meadows, Red Deer Lake United Church is an inclusive and affirming community of faith – people of all...
Square Butte Community Hall The board has been meeting regularly to keep abreast of the COVID-19 rules for community halls. The only activities have been small...
“Fall is sneaking into De Winton”: in spite of COVID-19 changing many things that are going on or NOT going on in our community. But, ‘seize the moment’...
Bragg Creek Centre Hello Creekers! September is here and although the past five months have been challenging for many of us, we know that the return to school...
FireSmart Begins at Home Bragg Creek and Area property owners have been working hard to make their homes more resistant to wildfire. All those pruned branches...
Adventuring Safely in the Fall It’s been a busy summer for RMES! Our members spent much of the summer responding to backcountry rescue calls with our partners...