Sheep River Library
Diamond Valley/Longview

Sheep River Library – Oct 2019

Out Loud Begins!

When this issue of the High Country News hits the stands, we will be only days away from the start of our eighth Out Loud Series 2019: Stronger. Brighter. Deeper. Hopefully, there may even be some free tickets left but they have been flying out the door very quickly! Last month I detailed the line up with Andy Nelson (October 5), Jennifer Buchanan (October 25), The Wardens (October 26) and “I wanna write a song/poem/story” (October 19). Since putting the program together, we have been very fortunate to secure a long time favourite of the Out Loud series: Terry Fallis, who will be making an appearance on Thursday, October 17 at 7pm. For those who may not be familiar with him, Terry is a Canadian author who has twice won the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. His debut novel, The Best Laid Plans, which was the recipient of one of these awards also won CBC’s Canada Reads in 2008. His second novel, The High Road, picks up where the first novel ends, featuring the same lovable characters and a hilarious look at Canadian politics. These novels were followed by Up and Down, which deals with the outcome of running a Citizen Astronaut contest at NASA. No Relation looks at the lives of a group of people who happen to have the same last name as someone famous. In Poles Apart, the main male character ends up writing a feminist blog anonymously while living above a gentlemen’s club complete with pole dancers. One Brother Shy deals with a young man’s journey to find his twin brother that he only recently discovered existed. Of course, most of the staff and many of our volunteers have read them all and we have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Albatross which Terry was in the process of writing the last time he was here. Both Gita and I can confirm that it is another hit and will take you on the full ride of emotions from laughter to shock to tears as we find out what it is like for the protagonist to be very good at something in which he has no interest. We will have copies of all of Terry’s book for sale at the October 17 event.

If you missed the launch of Vistas of the West on September 8, never fear. Several of the poets and artists will be on hand at the Blue Rock Gallery in Black Diamond on Sunday, November 10 for another gathering. Even though we have a copy of the book in our collection, we encourage you to purchase copies for Christmas gifts from Blue Rock.

Our first Astronomy Night with Les will be on Sunday, October 13. Please meet Les in Millennium Park half an hour before moonrise. Call the library for details.

Don’t forget to check out website or pick up a brochure at the library for a full list of our fall programs. We have many groups that meet either on a weekly or monthly basis covering interests such as homeschooling, poetry, genealogy, songwriting, drumming, French and book clubs. Call the library to register for any programs.

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