Longview library
Diamond Valley/Longview

Longview Library – Oct 2019

The Writers Group has started up again on the first Wednesday of each month. Crib will be starting soon on Thursday’s at 2 p.m.

Doris and Harry Lesick are on a bicycle trip through Italy. We are hoping they will share their experiences and photos in the library when they get back.

An exciting course is being offered in the library sometime in October, an 8 week seminar called Aging with Wisdom and Joy.This program is created and distributed by the Institute of Noetic Sciences: noetic.org. Colleen Lemire from Okotoks will be giving the course. A minimum of six people are needed for this to go forward, so sign up at the library soon.

Everyone Brave is Forgiven is by Chris Cleave, author of the award-winning novel, Incendiary. It is a heart wrenching story of war torn London in the early 1940’s and of the island of Malta. It is beautifully written, with wit and wisdom, and shows how courage and cowardice can exist together.

Every Note Played by Lisa Genoa, a neuroscientist with a PhD, who is also a successful novelist, is the story of a young man with ALS disease. The novel is an exploration of the disease and its impact, not only on the patient, but on his family and caregivers. The story is told in the framework of a love story. Genoa’s most famous novel, Still Alice, was about Alzheimer’s disease and was made into a movie starring Julianne Moore. Her next novel will be about bi-polar disease. Her aim is to expand the world’s awareness of these crippling diseases and to build compassion for them throughout the world.

Another very special book is The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. It has been made into a movie, now showing in Calgary. It is a heart warming story, told by an enormously loveable dog named Enzo. Enzo’s owner is a racing car driver and he also has a family. It’s a story of this family: their hopes, dreams and sorrows.

Happy Reading!
Sylvia Binkley, sliv@telus.net

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