High Country Rural Crime
Bragg Creek/Redwood Meadows Diamond Valley/Longview Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

High Country Rural Crime Watch Assoc. – Sep 2019

It’s been a quiet month in the High Country, our home for all seasons, out here on the edge of the prairie somewhere west of Calgary. Last month, our executive board met with an MLA, R.J. Sigurdson, to discuss Alberta’s new efforts to address crime. The government is proposing amendments to the Criminal Code to better reflect our rural environment, where homeowners must often act alone to confront intruders destroying or stealing property. Under the proposed changes, before charging or sentencing a homeowner for defending his property, the court must consider (a) whether the intruder committed his crime knowing the victim was in a remote area; (b) refused to depart the scene when confronted by the property owner; (c) was armed with a weapon and/or exhibited threatening behavior to the homeowner or others.

This past summer the R.C.M.P. was particularly anxious to reduce thefts from vehicles. Last year between June and August, for example, they recorded more than 3,600 thefts from vehicles. What do you think was the number during the same period this year? As I write these words, the figures are not yet in.

The R.C.M.P. reminds us what we can easily do cut to down on such thefts: When you park your vehicle outside, park it in a well-lit area. Do not leave valuables in plain sight in the vehicle, and do not leave your keys or your garage door opener in the car, as thieves can use them to gain access to your house. If you have a steering- wheel lock, use it. Before leaving the vehicle, ensure that you have closed all windows and locked all doors.

Below are several points of interest regarding safety and security in our neighbourhoods:

  1. On the night of July 26, someone entered a gated property on Highway 549, west of Millarville, and stole a number of valuable items from an unlocked car.
  2. Late at night on July 27, a person or persons entered a gated property under video surveillance east of 242 Avenue West and Highway 762. They used a flashlight to check the home and property, then entered a vehicle and stole a gate opener. They then unsuccessfully tried to get inside the home, but a security alarm went off and they left.
    Reminder: lock your vehicles even if you have a gate. Report all such incidents to the R.C.M.P. complaints line: 403.933.4262 or call 911 in an emergency.
  3. During the morning of July 24, near 192 Street and 239 Avenue West, a homeowner driving a tractor saw, for the second time, an elderly woman in a small red car flying a drone over his property. He tried to get her license number, but when she saw him looking at her, she sped off before he could jump off his tractor and reach the road.
  4. Recently, there have been numerous issues with speeding motorists and cyclists on Highway 762. Now, Foothills County and R.C.M.P. officers are making it a priority to patrol that highway to reduce speeding. If you witness anyone driving too fast or cycling unsafely, please immediately call the R.C.M.P. at 403.933.4262. If it is a dangerous situation, call 911. Your assistance will help get action to the area.
  5. Forest fires: Our local forest has not been burned for over 100 years, so officials conclude that we are long overdue for a major forest fire. Many homes are lost to wildfires that start from windblown embers from many miles away—even from contained fires. A number of recent Foothills Fire Department FireSmart presentations suggest that a roof-mounted sprinkler can protect homes and buildings from fire. You can mount the relatively inexpensive Gutter Mount Sprinkler System (C$175.00) on a gutter and can turn it on and then leave during an evacuation. You can see more information about this system at: www.waspwildfire.com/products/gutter-mount-sprinkler-system. [Note: The H.C.R.C.W.A. has nothing to do with this company, but we bring it to your attention should you be interested in learning more about ways to protect your home.]

If you would like to receive regular updates similar to the information above, join the High Country Rural Crime Watch Association. We regularly e-mail such information (but in greater detail) to our members. We also phone the information to members who do not have access to the internet. Membership is free and without obligation. New members in our area get a free High Country Rural Crime Watch Association sign.

To join, phone us at 403.931.2407 or visit our website for membership applications, tips, resources, and emergency phone numbers: www.hcrcwa.ca. Our Facebook page has more information: www.facebook.com/HighCountryRuralCrimeWatch.

So that’s the news from the High Country where all the grown-ups are young at heart, and all the children are perfect angels.

John Robin (‘J.R.’) Allen

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