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From the Editor

From The Editor – Apr 2021

Spring is one of my wife’s favourite seasons. She loves the early spring flowers. Tulip and daffodil bouquets are almost always on the grocery list. I think it is the promise of new life. Following the plant cycles, new life comes after a period of dormancy, or depending on the plant, death. As humans we try to avoid these times. They generally carry both financial and emotional pain. When faced with times of dormancy we generally try to rush the process and move to the next job, position, or relationship – we can’t seem to handle being in a situation where life would seem to be moving forward for others and not us. If you look at the natural process of spring, it is a slow process. The freeze-thaw cycles, the false starts of warm weather followed by a spring snow storm. New spring growth takes time, but it will come. If we allow the cycle to happen, winters eventually give way to spring and new life appears. The deep rooting that took place over the winter will provide strength for the new growth ahead.

Our society has had a time of dormancy and in one sense, death. Many things that we have been used to have changed or have been taken away from us. We can be victims of these changes or as communities we can endeavour to look at how we move forward together regardless of the forces pushing against us.

The other day a customer and friend texted me and asked how I liked my coffee. Moments later, he stopped by my office with a coffee and treat from one of the local shops in our community. We chatted about trees and raspberries for his property. We discussed politics and business. We didn’t solve any of the issues that are being thrust upon our society, but here was an individual that took time to engage relationally with the community around him. He did more than support the local businesses financially. He invested into the community relationally.

There are many issues that need our attention to get our communities back on their feet post-COVID-19. The biggest investment you can give is your time and relationship. As spring begins to emerge, I trust you will invest back into those around you. Your actions will have a far greater impact than you could ever imagine.

There are several great articles and announcements in the paper this month. Please enjoy the read, and get involved in your community.

From my family to yours,
Lowell Harder


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