Diamond Valley/Longview

Black Diamond Strong Update – Feb 2021

Black Diamond Strong invites residents to build Community Wellbeing

The pandemic has left its mark throughout the Foothills with challenges such as social distancing and isolation. Fortunately, adapting to change also comes with the opportunity to discuss wellbeing among families, friends and colleagues.

The Town of Black Diamond takes part in the Rural Mental Health Project, hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association. Throughout Alberta, 150 rural communities are tasking a local resident as community animator to explore initiatives that help people enjoy life and support others around us.

I am the community animator for Black Diamond. I have lived in the Foothills for over 20 years and enjoy being part of the Sheep Creek Ramblers, volunteer with Oilfields General Hospital, and practice yoga with Centred on Centre Avenue. Together we can build a grassroots movement on wellbeing. How this will look like depends on your ideas of what is helpful and what is not when going through a rough time. I really hope to hear from young and old, including from those people who usually are silent.

Examples: maybe you need support groups when going through heartbreaking experiences such as terminal illness, maybe you need practical guidance on how to support someone with suicidal ideation, maybe you feel left behind by our health care system, and maybe you can share how you keep a positive mindset in difficult times.

Your input as a community member is needed to shape effective initiatives in Black Diamond. Please send your feedback to diamondvalleystrong@gmail.com. You can submit personal stories and/ or ideas you have formed based on your experience or role as parent, son, daughter, sibling, friend, student, volunteer, or colleague.

If you prefer not to use email, please submit completed info/questions below at FCSS in Black Diamond in person or by mail: Black Diamond Strong, p/a FCSS 301 Centre Avenue West, Black Diamond TOL 0H0.

MY INPUT ON COMMUNITY WELLBEING to diamondvalleystrong@gmail.com or dropbox at FCSS, Town of Black Diamond.

Black Diamond resident: yes/no/other
Email address:…………………………………… and/or Phone number:……………………..
Idea/Experience:………………………… etc.

by Riny Tuithof de Jonge
Community Animator


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