Lifestyle Sports & Recreation

XC Bragg Creek – May 2024


XC Bragg Creek’s recreational and performance youth mountain biking programs will begin soon. The recreational programs are designed to introduce children ages 8-18 to the sport of mountain biking and to continue to support their skill development. The performance program introduces youth to the different styles of mountain bike racing and provides opportunities for athletes to try competition. Keep an eye on our website for spring program registration information: If you are interested in coaching with our mountain biking programs, there are still a few opportunities for adult and youth coaches. Detailed information is available on the website.

Whether you are a seasoned mountain biker or a beginner, getting your children started with mountain biking can be daunting. Here are some tips from our XCBC team to help you get your children safely and successfully started with mountain biking:

1. Safety first
Safety must be number 1 when it comes to mountain biking. Make sure your child has the necessary safety gear, including a well-fitting helmet, gloves, and appropriate shoes. Also, consider investing in elbow and knee pads to protect from scrapes and bruises.

Ensuring that your child’s bike is in good working condition, is designed for mountain biking, and properly fitted to their size will help your child to have the best experience possible. Kids mountain bikes have drastically improved in the last 15 years and with so many bike options available, it can be challenging to know where to start.

What should you prioritize to get the most bang for your buck and the most enjoyment for your child out of their bike? First, find a bike that fits your child well. Yes, kids grow constantly and for parents, it’s tempting to want to buy for the future. Be careful though, a bike that is too big is unsafe and not fun. Kids need to easily shift gears, effectively reach the brakes, and get on and off of it safely. Second, choose the lightest weight bike possible within your budget. Ditch the suspension, unless you want to make a more significant investment, and focus on bikes that are designed for kids with lighter and smaller components. Make sure the brakes are easy to reach and use effectively with only two fingers. Last, consider the drivetrain: a single front gear will lighten the bike, increase ease of use, and reduce maintenance. Buying a used bike can be a great way to save money, but plan to put the bike through a thorough tune-up with a local bike shop. A cheaper bike is no fun if it doesn’t operate properly. Buying a kid’s mountain bike on a budget is about staying away from the frills and searching for a company that specializes in child-specific bikes.

2. Start small
Start with easy and short trails your child can manage. Choose trails with gentle slopes, no technical features, and no steep descents. This will help build their confidence and improve their skills gradually.

3. Teach the basics
Before hitting the trails, teach your child basic mountain biking skills such as braking, shifting gears, turning, and body positioning. Practice these skills in a safe and controlled environment, such as an empty parking lot or a grassy field.

4. Make it fun
Mountain biking should be a fun activity for your child. Make sure you choose trails that are interesting and scenic. You can also incorporate fun activities such as scavenger hunts or nature walks to make the experience more enjoyable.

5. Lead by example
Children learn by example, so lead by example. Show your child how to ride a bike properly and safely. Also, demonstrate good trail etiquette by following the rules of the trail and respecting other trail users.

Getting your children started with mountain biking can be a fun and rewarding experience for the whole family. With the right approach, your child will develop a love for mountain biking that will last a lifetime. Remember to start small, prioritize safety, teach the basics, make it fun, and lead by example.

See you on the trails!

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