SR1 Update Alberta Transportation is checking boxes with SR1 community information sessions in Bragg Creek and Springbank this fall. Having a meeting or two...
Tag - SR1
Updates from Division One Happy July. I hope you and your family are well and keeping your social distancing measures in check? As much as it seems things are...
After 3 months of shut down, I am relieved we are moving towards opening up. For many of us, our work continued, albeit from a different location, but for...
SR1 (Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir): The Void of Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance Request: Join with us in the NRCB hearing process by...
The regulatory process for SR1 slowly trudges forward. Originally, we expected hearings for the project to take place this year, but with COVID-19 and the...
President’s Message We would like to let folks know that we are happy to share lost pets and wildlife updates on our social media. Feel free to create a...
We are in “hearing preparation” mode and are also wrapping up our submission to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. This is a tremendous undertaking...
Springbank Off-Stream Reservor (SR1): Although you may not be hearing about SR1 in the news, we are working on a written response to the regulators (NRCB in...
Thank You to Karin hunter, president of the Springbank Community Association, for her update on the Springbank Reservoir Project (SR1) which was published in...
On September 23rd, Karin Hunter, president of the Springbank Community Association and member of the Springbank Action Committee, handed MLA Miranda Rosin over...