FREE-FREE Community Breakfast Sunday, September 8th. From 9:00am to Noon, the Square Butte Community Association is hosting a FREE Community Breakfast. Come...
Tag - priddis
It’s been a quiet month in the High Country, our Utopia out here on the edge of the prairie somewhere west of Calgary. Last month I suggested that crime in...
With school out for the summer, be mindful of the speed limit of 40 km along the Priddis Valley Road as children are walking and biking to the playground at...
Square Butte Community Association was incorporated in 1966. It is comprised of dedicated volunteers who are welcoming of new membership and new ideas, which...
It’s been a quiet month in the High Country, our home in a paradise on earth, out here on the edge of the prairie somewhere west of Calgary. Previous articles...
YAHOO! Summer is finally here and along with that is Stampede fun. There is something for all age groups at the parades, breakfasts, rodeos and country fairs...
WOW – What a Success: The Chili Cook-Off and Dance at Square Butte Hall on Hwy. 762 was a resounding success with 15 fantastic and varied entries in the Chili...
ASCCA BioBlitz Blooming Success On Saturday, June 8, 2019 forty-four people joined us for our 8th annual BioBlitz. As we set up for the event, the mule deer...