Hello, Diamond Valley. What a lovely spring it’s been so far, with a few exceptions like the major snowfall we were treated to on April 4th. But as everyone...
Tag - black diamond
Every April, Volunteer Canada leads the National Volunteer Week (NVW) campaign. This year, NVW is happening April 14–20, 2024. NVW provides a chance to...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a lovely spring it’s been so far. It’s been so nice to sit outside and listen to the birds singing and feel the sun on your face...
We have a new quilt display up in the main library space courtesy of the Country Lane Quilters in Millarville. The nine quilts will be on display until May...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Such a mild winter it’s been so far. Good Friday this year is on March 29, with Easter Sunday the 31st. It should be fine weather for...
The Town of Diamond Valley Council has approved the 2024 municipal Operating and Capital budgets. The Operating Budget, endorsed during a regular Council...
Freedom to Read Week February 18-24 is Freedom to Read Week. This is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well we sure had a cold snap unlike any I remember for a long time. It started on January 10 and finally broke the 15th, with...
With Christmas and New Year celebrations behind us, it is now time to tackle that New Year’s resolution list. Before you decide to chuck it entirely, check out...
Hello, Diamond Valley! Well the new year is almost upon us. The earliest recorded New Year dates back to some 4000 years ago to ancient Babylon, when the first...