Chapter 151 The month of March is the month of my birth, it’s kinda special that way. It houses the birth dates of half my family – guess there must have been a lot of...
Category - Lifestyle
A PROSY ODE TO WASHING DISHES Our dishwasher doesn’t wash dishes any more. I press the buttons and nothing happens. It needs a new thingummy – an electronic something or...
Depending on the weather this March this article may be slightly before its time, but I could not say no to a friend who really wanted to know about their ‘luck’ of...
Clean the Cupboards to Enhance Results We’ve all heard the old expression “out of sight, out of mind”, but most of us also know that this saying may...
ELBOW INJURIES The elbow is a complex joint that can be affected via the neck, shoulder, locally at the elbow, or the wrist. All these surrounding joints and the...
Bragg Creek Trails has seen some great conditions for both fat bike grooming and cross country skiing so far this winter. Even with very little snow, the groomers have...
A Loppet is a “community fun race” open to all ages and abilities. The Calgary Ski Club’s annual Lake Louise Loppet is the longest running in Western...
Meet two brothers – Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot What’s the difference between Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes? Confusion in the liquor store is often cited...
What Is Love? The definition of love is probably as varied as the number of people you ask. However, there was one common thread among the hundreds of couples that came...
ADHD AND ANXIETY What it the connection? ADHD and anxiety can look similar, but are very different conditions. For many, it is a package deal. Living with ADHD can be...