Chapter 163 Ahh, what to say. This is the month I came into the world, it has a certain significance, at least to me and those who joined forces to bring me here...
Category - Lifestyle
LOWER CROSSED SYNDROME This term, and posture description, refers to muscle imbalances in the lower back and hip region. We commonly see tight lower back extensors...
XC BRAGG CREEK SKI AND BIKE SOCIETY XC Bragg Creek Ski and Bike Society has a lot to celebrate this month with many of our athletes qualifying for the upcoming Alberta...
If you’ve been on the trails in West Bragg Creek recently, you may have noticed vandalism on some of our trail signs and maps. Stickers containing a message that...
How’s Your Love Life? Here we are in February, and central to the month is Valentine’s Day. Some would say, “Love is in the air.” That raises an interesting question...
ADHD AND NATURAL REMEDIES DO THEY WORK? I get asked a lot on how to augment ADHD treatment. There’s no way to predict in advance if a person will be helped by any one...
Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, I am an older gentleman who has lived in a rural community for most of my life. I have always considered myself to be a loving family man, a...
NASTY LANDINGS One day, in the 1990s, I joined a group of people gathered around staff members at Science North in Sudbury, Ontario. The workers, clad in royal blue lab...
Why People Fail at New Year’s Resolutions As the calendar flips to a new year, many of us embark on setting New Year’s resolutions. These annual declarations of...
Chapter 162 The month of love of martyred Valentine. This piggy-backs on an ancient seasonal celebration, morphed from the fertility- focused Roman Lupercalia...