Chapter 166 So much for that “last of the big snowfalls” in my last month’s message. Ha. Two feet of snow overnight made for an entertaining snow day. However, now we...
Category - Lifestyle
It is not often you hear about exemplary father figures in the natural world, but recently on a paddle down the Red Deer River I became well acquainted with a shining...
ADHD LONELINESS AND FRIENDSHIP SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME IN YOUR HEAD? If you are feeling lonely, then you are not alone and not without help. People with ADHD may need...
BE A GOOD SWINGER Ok, I couldn’t resist with this title and perhaps I got your attention a bit quicker? For you golfers out there – hooray, spring has sprung and courses...
XC BRAGG CREEK SKI AND BIKE SOCIETY XC Bragg Creek’s recreational and performance youth mountain biking programs will begin soon. The recreational programs are designed...
BCT Logging Communication Bulletin Bragg Creek Trails (BCT) would like to state its position and provide our first quarterly public update on the proposed logging...
Spring Cleaning For seasoned Albertans, Spring is that time of year when you experience all four seasons in a month. Realistically it just seems that way. For many...
Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, I have a son who suffers from Huntington’s, an incurable brain disease. He is unable to work and as such is totally dependent on his wife. She...
Holes There are holes in the sky Where the rain gets in But they’re ever so small That’s why rain is thin. By Spike Milligan I breathe in the earthiness of rain falling...
Chapter 164 So May is the month of Mother’s Day in Canada. In Spain, where my parents reside, Mother’s Day is May 5th, here it’s May 12th, in our birthland of England...