ALIGN YOURSELF – LOWER LEG INJURIES As all you outdoor enthusiasts in the Foothills embark on summer trail running, hiking, biking and sunny dog walks, we see an...
Category - Health
ADHD AND BIPOLAR DISORDER WHAT IS BIPOLAR? Bipolar Mood Disorder (BMD) is a mood disorder where a person experiences intense feelings of happiness or sadness, high...
SUMMER CROSSTRAINING It’s summertime and for many, the end of a busy sports season – hockey, volleyball, competitive school and club teams, and seasonal classes like...
ADHD AND YOUR CAREER PATH What Can I Work In As A Career With Adhd? Students sometimes say: “Why do I have to do all this homework if I can get A’s on all my tests?” or...
GREEN THUMBS…AND KNEES… AND BACKS You may think GARDENING couldn’t possibly be “exercise”. However, your body is bending, twisting, reaching and doing...
HAVING THE TALK Adhd Diagnosis – Now What? When a child receives an ADHD diagnosis they often take home a prescription for medication and maybe a hand-out titled “What...
WHOLE DAY MATTERS The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), in conjunction with the Public Health Agency of Canada and ParticipACTION, have come up with a 24 Hour...
GIFTED ASSESSMENTS What does giftedness mean? Ever thought your child might be gifted and wondered what a formal assessment would reveal? For students in kindergarten to...
ANISOMELIA It sounds like a pretty name from an exotic dialect. It actually is the medical term for a leg length discrepancy (LLD). So, sorry, don’t name your child that...
ADHD AND DEPRESSION What it the connection? At first glance, ADHD and depression have a lot in common. Both make it difficult to concentrate, remember things, feel...