Health Lifestyle

GET RIPPED – Nov 2023


Dealing with menopause can indeed be a challenging journey, filled with hot flashes, mood swings, and weight management struggles. However, it’s crucial not to lose hope, because as a proud, menopausal woman, you are incredibly resilient, and weight loss is entirely achievable. It’s not vastly different from the weight management strategies you employed during your pre-menopausal days; it just demands a bit more dedication and some adjustments.

Reflect on the strategies you used to shed weight when you were younger. Remember the occasional dessert skipping? Well, it’s time to make it a more regular habit now. Those sugary drinks? They’ve got to go. And don’t underestimate the importance of your protein choices. While you may have enjoyed fatty cuts of meat in the past, lean meats should now become your best friends. They might not have the same richness, but you can infuse them with flavor. Swap that marbled T-bone for a leaner eye of round, marinate it for a delightful taste, and tenderize it with a low-cal salad dressing. Choose back bacon instead of the fatty strip kind. Transform lean ground beef with a savory tomato sauce, and it’ll rival its plumper counterparts. The key here is to make healthier choices and adapt your palate to appreciate them.

Now, let’s talk about exercise. Your metabolism may be slowing down, but you need to rev it up to stay ahead. Whether it’s brisk walks, treadmill sessions, swimming, tennis, or any activity you genuinely enjoy, embrace it. Regular physical activity is your ticket to maintaining a healthy weight, boosting your mood, and enhancing your overall well-being.

While menopause is a shared experience for women, it should never hold you back. Instead of allowing age to be an excuse for unhealthy habits, let’s embrace this transition as an opportunity to prioritize our fitness and health. The benefits of eating well and staying active during menopause are numerous. Healthy eating can help manage your weight, reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms, and decrease the risk of chronic diseases. Regular exercise not only supports weight management but also enhances bone density, muscle mass, and cardiovascular health.

It’s crucial to remember the impact of alcohol during menopause. Consider limiting or avoiding alcohol during this phase. Alcohol can exacerbate some menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, disrupt sleep, and potentially contribute to weight gain due to its empty calories. Making the choice to reduce alcohol intake can improve your overall well-being and make your menopausal journey more manageable.

Remember, you have the strength and determination to take charge of your health and make the most of your golden years. Menopause is just another chapter in your life, and with the right choices and a positive mindset, you can continue to lead an active, vibrant, and fulfilling life.

Jari Love is a certified trainer and creator of the successful scientifically tested Get RIPPED!® series. You can learn more about Jari Love at You can follow her on Facebook at @JariLoveFitness and at @rippedjari on Instagram.

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