Busting Myths About Osteoarthritis What is osteoarthritis, otherwise known as OA? In short, OA is a degenerative joint disease that affects more than 20 million people...
Category - Health
Movement Is Medicine! Great news! Over the last decade there has been endless scientific research produced that goes in depth to show the many benefits of being active...
How Is Your Mind Health: Why Do We Beat Ourselves Up? To clarify, I mean with our words to ourselves. How many times during your day are you telling yourself: How smart...
Having The Talk ADHD Diagnosis – Now What? When a child receives an ADHD diagnosis they often take home a prescription for medication and maybe a hand-out titled “What...
Falls At Home Injure And Kill Just last month I wrote about falls being the leading cause of injury for seniors. Soon after, a 40-ish year old friend died from a fall at...
New Years Resolutions: Setting Appropriate Goals! Setting New Year’s resolutions are easy, establishing and maintaining them is hard. Here at the Bragg Creek...
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020! That sounds like a futuristic year to me, not actually the present date – this is hard to believe! I hope everyone had a wonderful...
Are You Safe? What I Learned About Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors! Last month I wrote about the mother that, after living with an incurable “flu” for a quarter of her...
A Different Take On ADHD What Do We Have In Common? The five things that adults and children with ADHD have trouble regulating are attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity...
Falls – The Biggest Threat To Senior Health & Safety Over 50% of all Seniors’ Falls Happen at Home. Home factors such as poor lighting, clutter, areas of disrepair...