Roche Herbst
Health Lifestyle

Roché Herbst – M.A.R. Psych – Apr 2020

Perceived ADHD Advantages

Is There Any Benefit To Having ADHD?

ADHD is not always a walk in the park. There is value in experiencing the world differently than most people, depending on the severity of the condition, treatment and support. Some may choose to embrace the advantage, while others may not and continue to experience it as debilitating.

A Different Perspective

The media and others often portray ADHD unfairly. We have all faced our share of disappointments and embarrassments over the years. It is important to embrace the good things about someone with ADHD, since their brain differences do not define who they are as people. Caring for someone with ADHD allows you to always be there to correct negative perceptions and spread awareness. Your personal experience and unique perspective do make a difference.

Undeniable Power Of ADHD

For most people with ADHD who struggle to get through their day, they might not actually enjoy hearing about the advantages of having ADHD. It is healthy to accept that the universe always finds a way to restore balance in one way or another. Those who are aware of the positive aspects of ADHD can nurture and hone their unique talents or abilities. This means that people with ADHD will always have the opportunity to seize advantages that others may not even be aware of.

The Hidden Positives

If you are a person with ADHD, why should you be willing to settle for a lesser quality of life? Who says one kind of thinking or acting is better than another?Thefactisyouwerebornwith a unique brain. Here are a few hidden positives:

  • Grit – pushing past set-backs, troubleshooting, adapting new strategies and moving forward. “We see the light at the end of the darkest tunnel. We pick ourselves up off the sidewalk when we fall. We smile through our tears” (Linda Roggli, ADHD Coach).
  • Ingenuity, creativity – no, not just for starving artists and broke writers. Some of the most successful people in the world value the importance of thinking outside-the-box.
  • Spontaneity, a love for new experiences – okay, sure…sometimes a little forethought goes a long way, but you are a quick starter, jump right in and do not get stuck in analysis paralysis.
  • Laser focus – getting in-the-zone, when you are so absorbed with something that is an ‘obsession’, a passion, super interesting or challenging, that you do not notice how quick time flies by.
  • Constant surprises – finding money, utensils or clothing that you forgot about earlier makes life a string of pleasant surprises.
ADHD Quotes

“I was trying to daydream but my mind kept wandering” – Steven Wright

“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk” – Thomas Edison

“I prefer to distinguish ADD as attention abundance disorder. Everything is just so interesting . . . remarkably at the same time” – Frank Coppola

“The only problem with the world is a lot of people DON’T have ADD” – Andy Pakula

Sources: Quinn, P. (Ed.) ADDitude: Inside the ADHD mind. Monthly subscription magazine.

Roché Herbst
M.A.R. Psych

My practice location is from my home office in Bragg Creek Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-5pm; Calgary office Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-4pm. Call or text me on (403) 510-9984 or email:

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