Psycho-Educational Assessments What Does It Mean For Children And Adolescents? If your child is performing below grade level expectations, or if their grades are...
Category - Health
Holidays and summers aren’t the only times family members visit our homes for extended periods. Shouldn’t they be made their most comfortable and kept safe, giving you...
Snow Shovelling Happy Holidays 2020! Ahhh, Alberta winters! Sure, it’s beautiful and there are many great activities we can enjoy in this snowy wonderland. However, do...
“Not only do we live in our homes, but our homes function in much the same way as living organisms. As the home is an ecosystem, it may be referred to as a “Living...
Posture and Jaw Issues (TMJ Dysfunction) Years ago I complained to my dentist that my jaw was popping. He recommended a splint because I was grinding at night. I wore...
ADHD and Depression What Is The Connection? At first glance, ADHD and depression have a lot in common. Both make it difficult to concentrate, remember things, feel...
What we breathe, drink, and eat has a substantial impact on the quality of our lives. For years we have been hearing about the benefits of healthy eating, and now more...
Take Care of Your Mental Health There is a lot of talk these days about our mental health. COVID-19 has taken a drain on our happiness, our social interactions, routines...
Does Your Massage Therapist Treat Antagonist Muscles? Have you ever had a treatment that fixes your pain but comes back within days? Most people have chronically sore...
Radon is an invisible radioactive gas, resulting from the breakdown of solid uranium in soil. Radon is natural and found in every home in Alberta, though not always at...