To Change or not to Change? The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom...
Tag - lifestyle
THE BRENDAN VOYAGE Tim and Dorothy read the ancient documents. Their eyes widened in wonder. Apparently, in the sixth century A.D., eighteen monks set sail and...
Chapter 157 “parting is such sweet sorrow”… whenever Fantuzzi & I parted, it was a wrench. However, destined to reunite soonish, life went on. Then...
Homemade Wine Cocktails Cocktails are a big deal these days, coming in all shapes and flavours, influenced by trends and the creativity of mixologists. The use...
THE ROPE The rope was strong. Strands of fibre, thickly twisted, resembled the rippling muscles of a prize fighter. And this rope was using all the strength it...
Chapter 156 …and out of the haze a figure approached. Summer doing its darndest to be all things to all people. We yearn through the long months of...
Rockies’ Secret In 2017, Emma, Ben and their two sons opened Rockies Tavern & Grill. Their vision was to create a welcoming place where families and...
The Power of Positive Thinking Back in 1952 Norman Vincent Peale wrote a book entitled, The Power of Positive Thinking. To some it was a book of wishful...
CHAOS Why do I write? Because I hate chaos! Sometimes I find myself in a dilemma. I don’t know what to do. Whatever I choose seems to be a problem. Or, there...
Chapter 155 Have you got your marbles? Mine left decades ago, lost to the mists of time… save two unusual metallic spheres loitering ‘mid my lifetime’s...