
Andrea Kidd – Nov 2023


How many times have I called out in frustration? “Wait a minute! I can’t be in two places at the same time!” I might be stirring scrambled eggs and the doorbell rings, or, the delivery man arrives while I am on the phone for a doctor’s appointment.

However, about a month ago, I found myself in two places at the same time. I went to Echo Lake Bible Camp. I was in a place where the warm sun glinted on the calm blue water of the lake and the golden leaves of the poplars rustled in the breeze. In shorts, tee shirt and sandals I meandered among the tall trees and down to the lakeshore. A couple of cormorants were skimming the surface of the water and occasionally a fish jumped. Fresh air filled my lungs and the scent of autumn leaves filled my nostrils.

God had created a wondrous place! But I was creating a different place in my mind. My feet were planted in a clearing where the campfire would be lit later that day, but inside I was apprehensive and wanted to be at home in my safe, comfy surroundings.

Maybe I would be sleeping in a bunk in a cabin in the woods. Maybe I would find myself to trekking to the wash hut over rocks and roots in the dark of the night. Maybe the camp meals would be hot dogs and grilled cheese sandwiches. I wondered about the advisability of signing up for this conference.

God had created a place of beauty. I had this opportunity to enjoy his creation and friends who shared my interests. Yet I had created an unpleasant place in my mind that spoiled the beauty of what God has made.

However, I had clearly stated our needs on the registration form and to friends on the conference committee. There was no need for my apprehension. These organizers could be trusted.

More people arrived, also with bundles of bedding and luggage. A few I knew and many were new to me. We found our rooms. I had a room in the lodge; the bathrooms were close by and hall lights were on all night. The bed wasn’t bad and we even had roast beef for supper!

It was not five-star accommodation but it was good to be there, very good!

I laughed out loud on the way home. Driving across the Saskatchewan prairies I chuckled, “I am in two places at the same time! I am in the car and I am in Saskatchewan! No! I am in three places at the same time! I am in the car, in Saskatchewan and also in the grateful mind space that I create for myself! And, when I let God into my private space, He transforms it from anxiety and withdrawal into a place of peace and anticipation.


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