Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, I have a son who suffers from Huntington’s, an incurable brain disease. He is unable to work and as such is totally dependent on his...
Tag - editorial
We’re entering that time of year when winter has a hard time letting go to spring. But if you look at it from another perspective, perhaps it isn’t a power...
Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, I have been living in a rural community west of Calgary for about 7 years. Not long after my family and I left the city and moved to...
Who’s feeling ready to spring forward with the upcoming time change March 10th? Asking me to feel “spring like” when they rob me of an hour of sleep is a bit...
Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, My husband and I have been married for 20 years this August. Throughout our relationship, my husband’s younger brother has been the...
As my son Colin and I packed the car with camping gear and headed toward Coronado National Forest, south of Tucson, the familiar discussion had already begun...
January sure made up for the mild start to the winter. As the month closes off, we can bask in the warmth of the chinook that will tease you with spring...
Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, I am an older gentleman who has lived in a rural community for most of my life. I have always considered myself to be a loving family...
Welcome to 2024! January’s paper is full of great articles, programs, and events. I would like to welcome, Cara Chalmers our new contributor who will be...
Cara Chalmers Dear Cara, My mother-in-law recently passed away at the age of 86. At the time of her death, she owned real estate assets worth a considerable...