The Board has been working hard the last month compiling information and putting together a submission for the prov. grant Community Facility Enhancement...
Tag - community
Yeah! We are now officially allowed to open and also allowed to use our wonderful volunteers. We are currently assessing our volunteer roster and because of...
Congratulations to Collette Winters who has moved from Director of Planning to Director of Operations. Rocky View administration has selected a company called...
Coming in March: The Marriage Course All marriages and partnerships – even the good ones – aren’t perfect. COVID-19 has also added pressures and...
Bragg Creek Centre Hello Creekers! Restrictions are starting to ease again and in accordance with the Alberta Governments Path Forward Plan, if all goes well...
Fire Safety Review Even though we’re moving out of the deep, cold winter months, it’s still important to be mindful of fire safety! Here are some important...
With the current AHS restrictions, the Priddis Community Hall is closed until further notice. As a coping mechanism, outdoor activities are what everyone is...
Hello, Diamond Valley! Brrrrr did we ever get our cold snap in February, started around the 5th with temperatures plunging into the -30s and even -40s with the...
The board has been working hard to put together the application for a Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) Grant. Contact: SquareButteCommunity@gmail...
We have decided to cancel all in-person services and programs until further notice, putting our energy and time into continuing to care for our community and...