We have new Members, new Directors, and a new vision for our impact this year! The Chamber team will vote in some new Directors in the New Year, (we could use...
Tag - chamber
President message for year end 2022 Greetings everyone; I am pleased to report many Chamber accomplishments this past year. Namely: Bylaws updated; area map...
Haven’t we all said this at least once – “aww, I missed this, I didn’t know it was happening…” Problem solved! Introducing a Social Event...
October newsletter: Hello! By the time you read this we will have experienced the Arts, Eats and Beats Festival. We hope you enjoyed all the entertainment and...
Hello Bragg Creek! Are you ready for our ‘Arts, Eats and Beats’ event this Sept 16th and 17th? Grab your passport, collect your stamps, and put your name in...
News Update Greetings All! It has been a busy few months for our small but mighty Chamber team. We have been hard at work planning an event for all Bragg Creek...
BRAGG CREEK CHAMBERS BOARD Hello from Bragg Creek and Area Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to those that popped by for our Chamber mix and mingle event! The sun...
ABOUT THE BRAGG CREEK CHAMBERS BOARD The Bragg Creek Chambers Board of Directors in 2021 implemented a beautification program as part of a grant to do so that...
CHAMBER NEWS MEET YOUR BOARD & GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK Greetings Membership: What should the Chamber focus on this year? Please drop in on Tuesday March 8, 7-9...
Bragg Creek and area! Happy 2022 to you all and best wishes for the year ahead. Your Chamber Board would like to extend an invitation for a zoom meeting on Jan...