Sheep River Library
Diamond Valley/Longview

Sheep River Library – Sep 2019

Out Loud 2019: Stronger. Brighter. Deeper

This year’s theme for October’s Out Loud line up comes from a quote by author Ursula Le Guin: “Storytellers and poets spend their lives learning the art of using words well. And their words make the souls of their readers stronger, brighter, deeper.”

The series kicks off on Saturday, October 5 with Andy Nelson, an energetic and high- spirited cowboy poet and humorist from Pinedale, Wyoming. Andy offers history, heritage and hilarity of the cowboy culture through traditional poetry and storytelling. Western Horseman Magazine describes Andy as, “one of the most dynamic cowboy entertainers today, Nelson’s vivid descriptions, voice inflections and fluid recitation bring his stories to life in listeners’ imaginations.”

Jennifer Buchanan graces us with her presence on Friday, October 25. This author and musical therapist has been transforming lives, one note at a time, for 30 years. She is a leader in bridging music and medicine and has recently published her book, Wellness Incorporated. Don Felder, lead guitarist of The Eagle’s, notes that, “Jennifer has touched many people in ways that could only be accomplished with her special gifts of communication and music.”

On Saturday, October 26, we are thrilled to have The Wardens return for a third time with their superb musicianship, haunting harmonies, and gripping tales of the wilderness of Canada’s Mountain national parks. Scott, Bradley, and Ray have spent their lives living and working in this rugged environment, which has provided the inspiration for many of their songs.

Due to the anticipated popularity of these three events, admission will be by ticket only. You can pick up your FREE ticket for this event at the library from September 15 on.

If creating words is something you are interested in, Out Loud is offering a series of workshops entitled, I Wanna Write A Song/Poem/Story on Saturday, October 19. Al Mehl, accomplished singer-songwriter, will be teaching song writing at 9:30am. This will be followed by a poetry session with Doris Daley, renowned Western poet, at 12:00. The final workshop at 2:30pm covers story writing with Bill Bunn who teaches creative writing at Mount Royal University. Please register for these workshops at the library.

For a full list of all our Fall programs, please check out our NEW website. We are beyond thrilled with the new layout which is easier to navigate and looks beautiful! You can also pick up a brochure at the library for both the Fall programs and Out Loud.

You are also invited to the Diamond Valley launch party of Vistas of the Weston Sunday, September 8 from 2-4 pm.Vistas of the West is a collection of poetry and visual art that celebrates the beauty and spirit of the Rocky Mountains, Western Foothills, prairie landscapes, and the natural inhabitants of these beautiful environs. Contributors include many of our patrons, some staff (Doris and Jan), members of the Poetry on the Patio group that meets at the library (last Thursday of the month), and artists that have exhibited in our gallery space. Come and hear readings, see the art, and enjoy the snacks!

If we don’t see you this month, we hope to see you in October at one or more of our events and we also hope that the words of these authors, songwriters, and poets will make your soul stronger, brighter, and deeper.

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