Sheep River Library
Diamond Valley/Longview

Sheep River Library – Feb 2023

With a new semester beginning, the following classes may be of interest to high school students. On Saturday, February 11, 2-4 pm, Cheryl Bain will be presenting Setting and Meeting Class Goals. This workshop is aimed at students in grades 9-12 with their parent(s). It will cover setting short- and long-term goals, how to break down goals into smaller milestones to help reach targets, and how parents can help their students achieve success in their classes. Parents and students will work together to start putting their new skills to use before the end of the class. On February 16, Cheryl is offering Study Skills for High School Students. This workshop is aimed at students in grades 9-12. It will cover study environment tips, time management, note-taking, what a teacher usually means when they tell you to “read this part of the textbook,” and some review strategies for before and after a test, and test-taking skills. Cheryl Bain is an award- winning teacher and tutor with a passion for helping students achieve their goals.

Her education includes a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, a master’s degree in library science, and an in-progress continuing education certificate in teaching. Cheryl has been a student, employee, or educator at five different Canadian universities. (Which means she knows what she is talking about.)

Other classes offered in February are the Yogurt Making (February 9) and Preserve the Harvest (February 21), both of which are being presented by volunteers from the Diamond Valley Sustainable Living Centre. Berri Levert presents an End-of- Life Interactive talk on February 8 (10 am-12 pm) and February 15 (6:30-8:30 pm). ATB is continuing the Financial Literacy Series with talks on Investing (February 2), Credit (February 9), Home Financing (February 16) and everyday Banking (February 23). All talks begin at 7 pm. The second session of Tech Talk for beginners starts on February 23 and runs for six weeks at 10:30 am. Tech Talk Drop-in, which is designed for those one- off questions you may have, is on the same dates at 12:30 pm.

For more about our programming, please go to or pick up a brochure at the library.

Other services available at the library include photocopying, faxing, scanning and laminating for which there is a charge. Public computer access and Wi-Fi are free to all. We do have earphones and USB sticks for sale. Our program rooms are available for rent to community groups and private events. If you have any questions about these services or rentals, please call the library at 403-933-3278.

We have recently replaced the big black puffy chairs with chairs that are more streamlined and take up less space when not in use. If you would like to take one of the old chairs and give it a new home, you can do so for a small donation to the library. Come in and talk to us about it.

Save the date! Saturday April 29, the library will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary. We have a major celebration planned for the afternoon, with food, entertainment, prizes and displays. Come and celebrate with us and take a walk down memory lane as we look back at the past 40 years of providing library service to Diamond Valley.

The library will be closed for the Family Day long weekend February 18-20. Regular hours resume Tuesday, February 21.

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