Sheep River Library
Diamond Valley/Longview

Sheep River Library – Apr 2022

We are mid-way through March at the time of writing with warmer temperatures and no COVID restrictions. Patrons are not required to wear masks, physical distance or observe capacity limits. We are slowly seeing programs return to the facility such as the Community Drumming Circle (First Friday of the month at 7 pm), Poetry by the Fireside (Last Thursdays at 10:30 am), Mom’s Coffee Time (Monday mornings at 10:30), Create Recovery Group (Wednesdays at 7 pm) and Diamond Valley Book Club (2nd Tuesdays at 1:15). Other programs either returning or starting in the spring are Inductive Bible Study (Wednesdays at 10 am), Qi Gong (Mondays at 1:45 pm) and Music Together, a six-week program taught by Kaitlyn Southgate of Prairie Winds Music, with two sessions for 0-3 years (9:30 am) and 4-5 years (10:30 am) on Tuesdays. Although the program began on March 22, there are still 4 sessions in April. Cost is $12.50 per session. Call 403-933-3278 for details. Please check our Webpage and Facebook page to find out what programs we have running or will have running in the near future.

As the weather warms up, many of you will be wanting to get back out with the Sheep River Ramblers. If you have not joined this group, please come in to fill in the necessary paperwork. For those who are already members, please remember to fill in a new waiver when you renew your library membership annually.

With Discovery Days planned to take place the first weekend of June, the library will have its annual book sale. For the months of April and May we will be happy to take donated books to sort for the sale. All books must be brought into the library, not deposited in the outside drop box. Please avoid leaving boxes of books outside the library when we are closed.

We will accept most items except Reader’s Digest condensed books, encyclopedias and textbooks. All items will be sold by donation rather than set price. (Even though we know this creates a moral dilemma for people – what you want to pay versus what you should pay. We’ll leave it you to figure it out and if you are still having trouble, there will probably be a book in the philosophy section that can help you out – but you will have to buy it. By making a donation.)

We know that in general libraries and librarians are amazing -many of our patrons tell us this on a regular basis when we find obscure items for them, arrange a program they’ve been dying to attend or drop items off at their homes when they are housebound. But nothing beats this statement put out by the Ukrainian Library Association regarding their forthcoming conference which puts my daily to-do list into perspective: “We will reschedule just as soon as we have vanquished our invaders.”

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