Kat Dancer - Out of the Rut

Out Of The Rut – Kat Dancer – Oct 2020

Chapter 120

It’s a lot to live up to: life-long happy parents. I have yet to this day to hear either of them raise their voices, swear or have a serious argument. Most of the time they are an incredible inspiring presence in my life, sometime when my ego whittles away at me, they are insufferably fabulous and I feel so tiny. Other occasions, when I consider the days to come when their presence in this world will rely on our hearts and minds alone, the world suddenly grinds to a halt.

Friends who have travelled my trail with me, have all over the years wandered off on their own preferred routes, while parents – mine at least – remain a steadfast foundation for all that is to come. There are those, many, who will burst into bloom again in my life from time to time, popping up like random daisies and dandelions to shine a little gold here and there. It’s a wonderful thing to rediscover a friend whose life has taken them on a different adventure, there are always stories to share. Sometimes I dredge up old connections and stun them with a sudden call from out of nowhere. These days it’s a delight to talk with folk and to find others reaching out who may not have done so in a long time.

As our world continues to evolve and change, the great mystery continues to unfurl and recurs around us. What shape will our relationships meld to over the coming months? I dream of launching forth to see my essential peeps, but I see no mileposts ahead on which to hang that dream. I see a winding, undulating path that twists and turns just as much as those that have gone before… and I can see as little of that as ever…barely to the next bend!

At night I lie gazing through the shadows to the ceiling’s knots and swirls. This cover echoes the stars beyond and I find my infinitesimal self slide down the fathomless tubes of light to the stars’ origins.

Meanwhile, all we can do is take care of ourselves and each other. Be kind. Be compassionate. Every one of us contains a universe of untold histories, challenges and emotions, they bubble over from time to time in the most bizarre and unanticipated fashion.

If there is a way in which I may be of service, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With gratitude and love, Kat Dancer
415.525.2630, ph/txt/wtsp

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