Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

Millarville Community Library – May 2022

Millarville Library is a busy place these days as more people venture out of COVID isolation, although everyone is still being careful and more people are ordering books online. There has been a large increase in books and other library materials going out. We are so lucky to be part of Marigold and have their huge selection across the province available for us!

The school spring break was over the Easter week with limited library hours but we did offer a movie night showing two family friendly movies in the school library.

May 31st is the date for our annual, always popular Book Club night. There are TWELVE book clubs in the area and we invite two representatives from each book club to a wine and cheese get together to share their favourite books. The meeting will start at 7:00p.m., (outside if weather permits for wine and cheese) and then we will move to the school library for discussion (more space, thanks Millarville School). Check out the library website for more information. Lorraine Clark is organizing this: thank you Lorraine!

Natasha plans to run a drop-in summer reading program. More information coming nearer the time or call Natasha at 403-931-3919 with your questions.

Kelly Nutbrown is reactivating Story Time – Yeah! – it’s been two years since the last one. The first “new” Story Time is Thursday May 19 for kindergarten and pre-schoolers.

The library has welcomed two new volunteers but there’s still room for more. Call Natasha if you’re interested. Training provided! Big thank you to retiring Library Board members Kym Burns and Lyn Brown.

Author visits will have to wait until the fall but there are exciting plans in the works as well as new art from the Leighton Centre .

Summer is just around the corner (I hope) and I know many of you will be heading out to hike and camp. There is a great new book in our library “Outdoor School: Hiking and Camping”. This comprehensive book covers everything from planning your adventure, packing your gear, campsite cooking and eating, setting up camp and building a fire, flora and fauna spotting and identification, First Aid and Survival and so much more. “No experience is required only curiosity and courage” for adults and children!

Check out this great picture book in our library: “The Proudest Blue; a story of hijab and family.” It is written by Ibtihaj Muhammad who is a fencer and was the first woman in hijab to compete for the United State in the Olympic Games. Beautifully illustrated by S.K. Ali and Hatem Aly it tells the story of one sister’s first day of hijab, and her younger sister’s love and support. “Ajib’s hijab is like the ocean and the sky, no line between them, saying hello with a loud wave.”

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