Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

Millarville Community Library – Jul 2022

It’s Summer! Or it will be by the time you read this – monsoon conditions as I write this but no-one around here is complaining!

Our library summer hours are now in effect until September 6. The library will be open Tuesdays from 9.00-12.00 and Wednesday from 10.00 -7.30. And of course you can order books online through the Marigold Library system and you will be notified when they are in the library for you to pick up.

The Millarville Library Summer Program will run on a drop-in basis. Hours for the drop in program will be 11-4. We will have a few registered programs that will be offered this summer as well. Information for these will be posted in the library, on the FB/Instagram page and the website once available. Call Natasha for more information 403-931-3919.

Our annual Book Club Wine and Cheese event, organized and hosted by Millarville Library volunteer Lorraine Clark, was held on May 31st. A small but enthusiastic group of readers attended. There are 12 bookclubs in the area and we all agree that being part of a book club is a great way to connect with our neighbours and it is through reading a wide variety of books that we expand our horizons and explore cultures, beliefs and landscapes that open our minds and our hearts. Many of these book clubs prevailed during COVID, some meeting on Zoom, but one group decided to embrace change and met throughout the year during the day in order to hike and then discuss their book around a campfire.

Here are a few of the faves.

The Country Dozen Book Club recommended Greenwood by Michael Christie. Long listed for the Scotiabank Giller Prize Greenwood is a magnificent, generational saga that charts the rise and fall of the family, inextricably intwined with the rise and fall of Canada’s forestry heritage.

Books West recommended Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. This important novel chronicles the desperate quest of residential school survivors to come to terms with the multi-generational damage inflicted on them and their families – a must read for all Canadians.

Priddis Greens recommended The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah.This novel brings to life the Great Depression and the families who lived through it.

Lorraine’s own book club recommended The Ridge Runner by Gil Adamson. Part literary Western and part historical mystery, this book is the follow up to Gil’s awardwinning and critically acclaimed novel The Outlander. (Not to be confused with Gabaldon’s Outlander, this tale takes place in our Rocky Mountains.)

Have a great summer everyone and happy reading!

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