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From the Editor

From The Editor – Sep 2021

Back to school and back to the polls. In this September edition you will see a number of notices on fall local programming as organizations gear up for what we’re hoping as a more open way of life. I would encourage you to support these local events, as in reality, it’s these events that really bring our communities together.

You will also see many articles and ads on both the federal and municipal elections. Regardless of their political leaning, I applaud anyone willing to put their name forward to represent a constituency.

As a paper, we will continue to allow candidates and readers to voice their platforms and concerns to you. This freedom of the press/ speech is an important foundation within our democratic process. (Note our current Liberal Government has directly challenged this freedom with the passing of bill C-10)

Recently, I received a thank you card in the mail that read “A community that is engaged and working together can be a powerful force”. First I would like to say that this expression of gratitude was very meaningful. More importantly this simple card calls to attention a very important principal for all of us. It’s very easy to allow negativity and divisiveness to become the ruler of the day. When we choose thankfulness and unity before our list of grievances it changes our perspective. The challenge is to find points of common ground amongst the many issues that are dividing our country and move forward, continuing to build a better place for those coming after us.

I do need to point to an error from last month’s edition. Roche Herbst’s article on ADHD was headlined as “ADHD and Eating Disorders”, but should have been “A Different Take on ADHD”. Our apologies for any confusion this may have brought.

I appreciate Roche’s monthly commitment to give us tools to work with a very common issue that touches many in our communities.

From my family to yours,
Lowell Harder


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