Why You Should Consider A Travel Expert: Part Two Last month we mentioned seeing an increase in travel inquiries and in fact we’ve had a slew of bookings come in for...
Category - Lifestyle
Home Renovations: Do It Yourself (DIY) or Hire a Professional? Parts adapted from Canadian Home Builders’ Association Summer is almost here and you have that...
Be A Good Swinger Ok, I couldn’t resist with this title and perhaps I got your attention a bit quicker? For you golfers out there – Hooray! Golf is a great COVID-19...
Beer Tasting: A Summer Adventure I might be a sommelier who revels in all that is wine, but, by gosh, I can’t think of anything more satisfying than a quenching...
A Wrestling Match Alone at last, Jacob sat down by the fire he had made on the hillside overlooking the Jabbok River and hugged his knees. He played with the names...
I was asked to see a young man who had tried to commit suicide and failed. He lamented the fact that he couldn’t even succeed at killing himself. A young lady jumped off...
Chapter 118 There are so many subtle blessings dancing the periphery of awareness. The zeitgeist may be fear and trepidation, but the eternal dance continues unabated...
ADHD and Extreme Sensitivity It’s A Brain Thing Those with ADHD have more difficulty with low frustration tolerance, impatience, hot temper and excitability. Challenges...
Why You Should Consider A Travel Expert: Part One After too many weeks of lockdown and isolation, we’re seeing an increase in travel inquiries and a renewed optimism...
Use The Blower On Your Furnace To Cool Your Home In The Summer Parts adapted from Stonearmor Living in Alberta, you may not have central air or a system that combines...