Gentle with Nanny “Gentle with Nanny’s plant!” said my daughter gently to my little granddaughter, “It’s alive! It wants to live.” “Never mind,” I said as a large fuzzy...
Category - Lifestyle
Chapter 132 Gosh. It’s a bit crazy isn’t it? What an impact we are having on this planet… it really is getting to the point where it’s almost too late. If things...
A DIFFERENT TAKE ON ADHD WHAT DO WE HAVE IN COMMON? The five things that adults and children with ADHD have trouble regulating, are attention, hyperactivity...
About Kids So, I had another article written but a couple things made me push it off until next month. It’s almost Father’s Day when I write this, I just got back from a...
Weight Training Vs. Cardio Exercises We are inundated with information that exercise is good for you for a multitude of reasons. However, what is the best type of...
Wildfire Season Is Here! We make our homes in the beautiful forest, and hot weather teamed with dry conditions and high winds are priming us for another significant...
In Praise of Street Food: The Cowboy Roast House No one can miss the Cowboy Roast House. It sits unapologetically right in the middle of the “Bragg Creek Triangle”...
Meek as a Mouse As meek as a mouse! Where did that saying come from? Mice are not meek! A mouse will fight for its life! It might be small, but it is not weak. When...
There is an old saying that goes, “If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness.” In reality, darkness is simply the absence of light. The problem...
Chapter 131 Yesterday I stepped into Death’s slipstream. The gossamer thread of her passing ran through me and pulled me physically off my path. I turned to see a trail...