ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH PROTEIN? Whether you are healthy and staying active, or recovering from an injury, incorporating resistance training into your routine is...
Category - Lifestyle
Grapes of Smoke Many people have asked me if the smoke from this summer’s wildfires in the Okanagan will impact the quality of the wines. The short answer is that...
Churchill knew the power of words and used them effectively during World War 2. In one of his speeches he said,” You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage...
The Willow Tree I think a parable is like a window; it helps me see out and recognize something that has been blocked from my view. Sometimes a parable is a picture...
Edition 2 Welcome back to this edition of Jari Love’s ten-minute full body workout! Jari Love, certified personal trainer, author, and creator of the incredibly popular...
Chapter 134 As we hurtle pell-mell into the wild wonders of another Fall season, the changing colours, scents and scenes around us offer such a complex buffet of sensory...
Nancy Campbell has focused on providing health and wellness programming throughout the last two and a half decades as a professional trainer. She moved to the Bragg...
BACK TO THE GYM Do you remember the start of a new school year? Maybe some excitement about back to school clothes, fresh school supplies and some apprehension over a...
As summer turns to fall, it’s a good idea for everyone in your home to refresh their memories on fall fire safety tips before the first cold snap of the season. Family...
Ratatouille – Alberta Fresh Yes! Yes, I know. The “Ratatouille” is not an Alberta dish – it’s a southern France speciality. From Provence, to be exact...