Local fire departments reflect on 2021 wildfire season Alberta’s wildfire season officially ended on Oct. 31 but locals still need to be aware of the risk of fire...
Category - Lifestyle
Lest We Forget Last year I wrote how alcohol helped soldiers of all nations survive the horrors of WWI. This year we are exploring the role of alcohol during WWII. We...
Wayne Gretzky was an outstanding hockey player and earned the title, “The Great One.” In the sport of boxing, Mohamed Ali claimed to be the greatest. I must confess that...
October Report Four of our Bronze level participants completed their overnight adventurous journey hiking to Alymer Pass in the Lake Minnewanka area. The weather was...
Bag It! In 2019 the Government of Canada announced that single use plastics will be banned by the end of 2021. That’s only two months away! Starting January 1st, 2022 my...
Edition 3 Welcome back to this edition of Jari Love’s ten-minute full body workout! Sittingfor too long can impact your physical and mental wellbeing so we asked Jari...
Chapter 135 WARNING – SOME READERS MAY FIND SOME TERMINOLOGY OFFENSIVE, BUT PLEASE DON’T! Okay lovely readers, let’s talk shit this month. Some of you may think I...
ADHD: NOW WHAT? How to move ahead?Receiving an ADHD diagnosis can change your life for the better. People want to know what exactly they are dealing with, to what degree...
Redwood Meadows Emergency Services responded to calls for help 72 times this spring/summer when cyclists, ATVers, motorbikers, cyclists and hikers found themselves in...
Fall – A Busy Time of YearTrail crews have been hard at work on the West Bragg Creek trails! Geoff, Kim, and David re-decked and re-railed the bridge on East Crystal...