Chapter 138 The kindness of strangers. On the Big Island of Hawaii, near Kehena beach, a small, uniquely fabulous arc of black sand bordered by raggedy volcanic rocks...
Category - Lifestyle
YES, MR. FRODO! THERE IS GOOD IN THE WORLD Wheeling the shopping cart out of the store and loading groceries into the trunk of my car, I wondered, “Why is my throat dry...
New year, old stories It’s a new year but some local ongoing news stories are far from over. Looking at some of the issues covered by High Country News in 2021, we want...
COUGARS IN THE CREEK This April we saw an amazing photo of a cougar which had followed a local resident onto her deck. Although this is a very rare occurrence, it’s...
MAKE YOUR MARK Happy New Year and all the best in 2022. I want to thank Lowell Harder, publisher of the High Country News for this opportunity to connect with the...
BCT NEWS RELEASE – Bragg Creek Trails receives government funding Bragg Creek Trails is pleased to announce we have signed a $250,000 grant agreement with Alberta...
ONE NEW YEAR RESOLUTION = TEN BENEFITS Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had some time to relax and rejuvenate over the holiday season. It always seems like a...
Stan Perrott Of the many inspirational people who have found their way to Bragg Creek, probably no other influenced art in this community more than Stan Perrott. Artists...
Oh No! January is a “Dry” Month Just saying but, observing the January Dry Month is bound to be as successful as vowing to lose weight. Still, the effort is commendable...
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is famous for saying, “You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Take some time to think about that. Seriously. I...