ANGELS “An angel was in my truck that morning,” said Joe. We waited in silence to hear if Joe was going to explain. People don’t talk about angels very much these days...
Category - Lifestyle
Edition 4 Welcome back to the final edition of Jari Love’s ten-minute full body workout! With so much of our lives tied to our PCs, from work to Zoom meetings, we’re...
Chapter 136 Did you know? Half of Canada’s Chinook Salmon are endangered. By some estimates, in the past century, we’ve obliterated 75% of Canada’s Sockeye Salmon...
ADHD AND YOUR CAREER PATH What can I work in as a career with ADHDStudents sometimes say: “Why do I have to do all this homework if I can get A’s on all my tests?” or...
Wayne Gretzky was an outstanding hockey player and earned the title, “The Great One.” In the sport of boxing, Mohamed Ali claimed to be the greatest. I must confess that...
One of the most common calls for service Redwood Meadows Emergency Services receives is for traumatic injuries. Traumatic injury is damage to the body caused by external...
IN A RUT – ROAD SAFETY IN AUTUMN by Bragg Creek Wild As summer warmth gives way to autumn, big changes are underway in deer movements and behaviours. In the summer...
WHAT IS A NEUROPATHY? Firstly, let’s start with pain. Pain is a very generic term with many causes, many descriptors and can be perceived differently by everyone. There...
Local fire departments reflect on 2021 wildfire season Alberta’s wildfire season officially ended on Oct. 31 but locals still need to be aware of the risk of fire...
Lest We Forget Last year I wrote how alcohol helped soldiers of all nations survive the horrors of WWI. This year we are exploring the role of alcohol during WWII. We...