GIFTED ASSESSMENTS What does giftedness mean? Ever thought your child might be gifted and wondered what a formal assessment would reveal? For students in kindergarten to...
Category - Lifestyle
EINSTEIN’S HAIR There’s lichen called “Einstein’s Hair”. I wonder if this is it. Whatever this lichen is called, it is certainly thriving. Growing and happy in its...
Chapter 153 I would like to share with you the words of my dear friends Neelam & David Mages’ daughter. They are incredibly proud parents of three wonderful girls...
Spring is the time to watch as our feathered friends slowly reappear from their fantastic migratory flights, some coming from thousands of kilometres away to make the...
ANISOMELIA It sounds like a pretty name from an exotic dialect. It actually is the medical term for a leg length discrepancy (LLD). So, sorry, don’t name your child that...
We made it, the Winter Season is over! Thank you to our amazing fatbike and XC Ski groomers. Whether they were scrounging for each white flake or slogging through a...
The ‘Grande Dame’ of All Grapes – Pinot Noir “Maya – Why are you so in the pinot? Miles – I don’t know. I don’t know…… It’s a hard...
ANNUAL XC SKI COMPETITION RETURNS XC Bragg Creek proudly hosted the 10th annual Alberta Youth Cross Country Ski Championships (AYC) in West Bragg Creek on March 4th and...
The Power of Determination This month’s article is from “Today’s Helping of Chicken soup for the Soul” and is dedicated to our son Lowell, the editor, and owner of this...
ADHD AND DEPRESSION What it the connection? At first glance, ADHD and depression have a lot in common. Both make it difficult to concentrate, remember things, feel...