Chapter 161 Singing to the waves, calling in the light, the love, the clear blue sea and sky. Singing to the mountains, calling in the light, opening to the arms of...
Category - Lifestyle
January has arrived in all its winter glory, bringing with it a new year and new expectations of resolutions and goal setting. That sentence may leave you with a desire...
Springbank Heritage Club December calendar…. MONDAY Pickle Ball….12:30-4:30. Last day Dec 18, resumes Jan 8, 2024 TUESDAY Singing….10-12 Games…...
SPRINGBANK FRIDAY MORNING 50+ MIXED CURLING Wow! 13 enthusiastic teams are enjoying the Friday Morning Mixed Curling. This is up from 10 teams last year. With 6 sheets...
GET BACK ON TRACK THIS NEW YEAR 2023 has come to an end. Hopefully you can look back on it with some happy memories, accomplished work and adventures in your pocket...
XC BRAGG CREEK SKI AND BIKE SOCIETY ‘Gearing Up’ for Winter Fun with XCBC XC Bragg Creek runs fun winter recreational and competitive cross-country ski and biathlon...
Winter Is Here Ready Or Not? Winter can take on many forms out here in West Bragg Creek so being ready for variable conditions can help save the day. It’s also the time...
Farewell For Now In the Spring of 2020, Lowell Harder kindly invited me to write about and celebrate all matters of food and drinks in our area — Covid was raging...
Christmas – What’s it about? For many, Christmas is charged with ambivalence. Trying to buy gifts with meager resources; navigating through crowded malls; social...
I’M NOT YOUR SISTER There is fascinating research happening at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) in Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi...