ADHD and Extreme Sensitivity It’s A Brain Thing Those with ADHD have more difficulty with low frustration tolerance, impatience, hot temper and excitability. Challenges...
Category - Health
Use The Blower On Your Furnace To Cool Your Home In The Summer Parts adapted from Stonearmor Living in Alberta, you may not have central air or a system that combines...
What Is Our New Normal? We have now had some time to adjust to a new normal. We have had time to reflect on our lives, prioritize our essential needs and reconnect with...
ADHD Lessons From COVID-19 Feel Like Calling It Quits? This is a difficult time for individuals with ADHD, as well as their non-ADHD partners, spouses or parents. You...
Stuck Inside, Smoke and Heat Are Coming…Early: Part One It feels like it never ends: smoke from the 2018 fires; the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019/20; the forecast for...
Staying Healthy & Sane During A Pandemic I’m hoping that by the time you read this article COVID-19 will have started to loosen its grip and that we will be in...
A Sad Announcement To my Dear Patients,It is with mixed feelings that I inform you of my decision to close my family practice as of July 15th, 2020. We are planning to...
Stuck Inside, Smoke and Heat Are Coming…Early: Part Three Lower the risk of exposure to smoke: Stay inside as much as possible. Keep windows and doors closedSet...
ADHD Brain On Quarantine Being told that you should quarantine for two weeks just to be safe is one thing. Staying at home and throwing in safe...
Stuck Inside, Smoke and Heat Are Coming…Early: Part Four Are You Active Outside? Respect the social distancing directives and gathering size limitsDon’t do any...