A LEG TO STAND ON Standing on one leg can be a good indicator of your health. How is your balance? Has it changed over the years? Do you practice balance activities...
Category - Health
Edition 4 Welcome back to the final edition of Jari Love’s ten-minute full body workout! With so much of our lives tied to our PCs, from work to Zoom meetings, we’re...
ADHD AND YOUR CAREER PATH What can I work in as a career with ADHDStudents sometimes say: “Why do I have to do all this homework if I can get A’s on all my tests?” or...
WHAT IS A NEUROPATHY? Firstly, let’s start with pain. Pain is a very generic term with many causes, many descriptors and can be perceived differently by everyone. There...
Edition 3 Welcome back to this edition of Jari Love’s ten-minute full body workout! Sittingfor too long can impact your physical and mental wellbeing so we asked Jari...
ADHD: NOW WHAT? How to move ahead?Receiving an ADHD diagnosis can change your life for the better. People want to know what exactly they are dealing with, to what degree...
ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH PROTEIN? Whether you are healthy and staying active, or recovering from an injury, incorporating resistance training into your routine is...
Edition 2 Welcome back to this edition of Jari Love’s ten-minute full body workout! Jari Love, certified personal trainer, author, and creator of the incredibly popular...
Nancy Campbell has focused on providing health and wellness programming throughout the last two and a half decades as a professional trainer. She moved to the Bragg...
BACK TO THE GYM Do you remember the start of a new school year? Maybe some excitement about back to school clothes, fresh school supplies and some apprehension over a...