What a wonderful portrait drawing by Deanna Lavoie on the cover of your February edition. The message was also special “May we be resilient, love, laugh and look after...
Category - Letters To The Editor
I found it interesting that in the February issue of this paper, Dr. James Trofimuk is discussing freedom of speech and how anything that departs from what Orwell would...
To the Editor, The following is a letter I have written and sent to Miranda Rosin in response to her article “Freedom in a Floundering World”. Miranda, I am deeply...
Dear Editor of the High Country News: In response to your recent article titled “Freedom in a Floundering World” by Ms. Maranda Rosin, I wish this dangerously misguided...
I am writing this article in response to my concern with which the Banff- Kananaskis MLA, Miranda Rosin, is being portrayed in social media sites and by some news media...
This article is part of an email that I sent to Ms. Rosin, our MLA, in response to her article: “Freedom in a Floundering World”. I found her article deeply troubling...
Animal-Vehicle Collisions Hit Close To Home When we first moved to Calgary from inner London (UK, not Ontario), one of the things we loved most was the abundance of...
With stricter COVID-19 restrictions now in effect, Food Banks across Alberta remain an essential service, continuing to support Albertans in need. Food Banks Alberta...
A Time for Albertans to Stick Together There are two possible reactions to natural and manmade disasters. Driven by fear, we can allow disasters to divide us and our...
Redwood Meadows Residents Can I roll my upfront lease payment into my mortgage? Yes, maybe or no … it will all depend on your homes equity (equity = the difference...