Recent statistical information shows that Canada’s largest credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion, receive over 1,800 identity theft complaints from Canadian citizens...
Category - Diamond Valley/Longview
Foothills County Northwest Wildfire Mitigation Strategy & FireSmart Meeting: You are invited to attend a Zoom Public Meeting with Council and Fire Department...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Canada Day is July 1st, which is a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of Canadian Confederation, which was July 1, 1867. With...
The library is open again, and we will resume our regular hours. They are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 5pm. Our phone number is 403-558-3927, should you...
We are open! If all goes according to plan, we will stay that way. We are not quite back to regular hours as yet. Until the end of August, the library will be open from...
2021 A. Walter Turnbull Award Recipients The A. Walter Turnbull Memorial Award was established in recognition of the exceptional volunteer community service provided by...
Summer Crime Prevention The Alberta Provincial Crime Watch Association, of which HCRCWA is a member, and the RCMP have issued some common sense, but effective, tips for...
Infrastructure Projects announced for Foothills in the 2021 Provincial Capital Plan: We are very grateful for these projects slated within Foothills County. On Hwy 22...
Hello Diamond Valley. This may be our new name if our two towns combine. Amalgamation is still in the process of figuring things out, as we all know, government...
Unfortunately, our little library remains closed. You may order books by calling Linda at 403.558.3927, or order them from home using your TRACPAC account. Inter-library...