Diamond Valley/Longview

Black Diamond Strong – Nov 2021


My role as animator for the Rural Mental Health Project has officially come to an end. I feel that talking about mental wellbeing is easier these days than it was a few years ago. If there is a silver lining to the pandemic, it is that we have collectively found a new appreciation of connections that we used to take for granted.

Black Diamond Strong is about the people who make up the fibre of our community, it is about you!

Over the past months I have asked what is helpful to get you through rough times, I have motivated to discuss what mental wellbeing looks like and I have highlighted the importance of self care and connecting with nature to refuel.

My role was to get the discussion going. In my interactions with you on hikes, during camping and in town it appeared that talking about mental wellbeing is no longer taboo and in general we are more open about how we feel. The best ideas are born out of opportunities, connections and social engagement. So, keep on sharing your stories, learn together, inspire each other and take turns in leading the way. Above all: practice the art of listening, remain curious and celebrate the small wonders of daily life.

The mental wellness movement is just beginning. Grants are available for initiatives that support wellbeing in towns as Black Diamond. A first step is to contact Suzan Nagel, Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Coordinator, Town of Black Diamond: by phone 403-933-4348 ext. 212, by email SuzanN@town.blackdiamond.ab.ca or in person at FCSS, 301 Centre Ave West, Black Diamond.

I wish you well!
Riny Tuithof de Jonge
Community Animator Black Diamond Black Diamond Strong
Mental Wellness Movement


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