HELLO DIAMOND VALLEY Hello, Diamond Valley. Did everyone have a nice Thanksgiving? It’s so nice to be able to get together with family and friends again, and we also...
Category - Diamond Valley/Longview
How a thief thinks This is an updated version of a previous topic; one which is very relevant to your efforts to prevent theft happening to you. I researched the...
Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Greetings! Sharing my News Update… Water Use: Since we are dealing with many water projects in Division 4, a bit of background on...
Our used book sale at the Art’s and Music Festival was most successful. The whole weekend was great fun with a good turn out. The only glitch was a terrific wind storm...
Small cheer and great welcome make a merry feast. – Shakespeare October brings with it cooler temperatures, beautiful colours and Thanksgiving Dinner. At my house, three...
Hello everyone, Chamber Members, Diamond Valley Business Owners/ Operators, and Municipal Members alike, There are a few items that I wanted to touch bases with you all...
HELLO DIAMOND VALLEY Hello, Diamond Valley! Well, as we slip into fall, I reflect on what a lovely summer we had. I tried to make the most of it with a few camping...
Upcoming Events We welcome you all to participate in the upcoming events this fall. GhoulfestOur annual Halloween Party & Haunted House will be on Saturday October...
Stopped School Bus Failures It’s September and it’s Back-to-School time. It means there will be school busses on the roads and there are some very important things I...
Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Greetings! Sharing my News Update… Pathway Opening EVENT on September 17: The North West Foothills Recreation Board (NWFRB) invites...