Four Essential Components to Life After 82 years of life experience, I have discovered there are some things that are important if we are to have a meaningful...
Author - Duane Harder
Duane is a pastor, educator and counsellor.
How’s Your Love Life? Here we are in February, and central to the month is Valentine’s Day. Some would say, “Love is in the air.” That raises an interesting...
Can Dreams Come True?! In answering that question, let me start with a true story. While attending a business seminar in Palm Springs, California, our son-in...
Christmas – What’s it about? For many, Christmas is charged with ambivalence. Trying to buy gifts with meager resources; navigating through crowded...
Welcome to the Distraction Age I never cease to be amazed at the number of children I see in restaurants, in shopping carts, on public transport, walking down...
Four Pillars of Community In working with families, individuals, community leaders, and business owners, I have concluded that there are four basic principles...
To Change or not to Change? The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom...
The Power of Positive Thinking Back in 1952 Norman Vincent Peale wrote a book entitled, The Power of Positive Thinking. To some it was a book of wishful...
Will The Real Man Stand Up! On June 18th we celebrate Father’s Day. Unfortunately for many, it is a day when painful memories of childhood abuse resurface...
What are You Wearing? There were times when I was leaving the house that my beloved would say to me, “Duane, are you wearing that?” My immediate assumption...