Lifestyle Sports & Recreation

XC Bragg Creek – Jul 2024


Trail Stewardship: Ensuring the Future of Outdoor Recreation

XC Bragg Creek Ski and Bike Society is incredibly grateful to base our programming from the West Bragg Creek Trails. These trails provide incredible access to an extensively maintained muli-use trail system that supports the diverse needs of our athletes. Along with our gratitude we are conscious of the necessity to be stewards of the trails.

The importance of trail stewardship in maintaining and preserving our outdoor spaces cannot be overstated. As more and more people seek the benefits of spending time in nature, the need for responsible and sustainable trail management has become increasingly vital.

Trail stewardship involves the care, maintenance, and preservation of hiking, biking, and walking trails, ensuring that they remain accessible and safe for all users. Moreover, trail stewardship addresses the growing issue of overcrowding and resource depletion in popular outdoor areas. By educating ourselves about, and practicing Leave No Trace principles trail users can help reduce the impact of recreational activities on the environment, ensuring that everyone can continue to enjoy these outdoor spaces for years to come. West Bragg Creek Trails ( offers a number of etiquette tips for users.

Well-maintained trails help prevent habitat degradation and protect wildlife corridors, thus preserving the ecological balance of the surrounding areas. By following responsible use, such as minimizing trail braiding and avoiding trails when they are too wet or muddy, trail users can minimize their ecological footprint and contribute to the preservation of natural landscapes for future generations.

James, Reid, and Caern Bopp doing their part to help keep the West Bragg Creek trails looking fantastic.

Ultimately, the practice of trail stewardship is a commitment to responsible and ethical outdoor recreation. By fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and community engagement, XCBC is working to preserve the natural beauty of our outdoor spaces and promoting sustainable outdoor recreation practices. See you on the trails!

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