October Report
This will be my final report as new municipal elections will be held October 18. It has been my honour to represent the families and students in this ward. Throughout my term in office, I have endeavored to represent you with integrity and service. To that end, I have participated in both school and community events understanding of the importance of community participation in understanding the governance issues. I would like to thank all of you for the opportunity to serve.
I will be hosting four zoom meetings talking about school Board issues. Each will have a question-and-answer component:
October 5
The 4-year plan and Curriculum Changes 7 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4824218413 ?pwd=RDgvV2ZVOUJrNFN6VkFid1lLS i9JUT09
Meeting ID: 482 421 8413
Passcode: Duke
October 13
Inclusion 7 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4824218413 ?pwd=RDgvV2ZVOUJrNFN6VkFid1lLS i9JUT09
Meeting ID: 482 421 8413
Passcode: Duke
Other News
September 30 will be a non-instructional day in honor of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. This change will not affect the remainder of the school calendar.
There has been a lot of angst around the closure of Highway 8 and RR 101. Transportation is working to address the route changes that result from this closure and the increased travel time. Buses from Elbow Valley will be using Highway 22. They will use the highway for the return trip as it is not safe to make a left turn onto Highway 22.
Rocky View Schools chose not to pilot the new curriculum but will bring teachers together to review and provide feedback. Minister LaGrange welcome feedback in this form. We look forward to seeing the revision suggestions
The province two years ago changed the funding formula for schools in order to improve predictability around funding. However, the government has given the Board notice that there will be changes to the funding formulas. Our administration is trying to understand the implications of this notice.
The government has given each School Council $500.00 to improve parent consultation. This initiative is in support of the government’s desire to have parents more directly involved in school decisions.