Judi Hunter – Ward 5 Trustee
Mechanics Training Program Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Rocky View Schools’ Mechanics Training Program was launched in 1999/2000 and celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. This unique program, located at Cam Clark Ford in Airdrie, allows high school students to work in a fully equipped shop while learning the mechanics trade through hands-on instruction. RVS highly values partners such as Cam Clark Ford that are instrumental in supporting longstanding programs connecting students to career pathways and hands-on learning opportunities.
Chestermere Grade Configuration and Attendance Areas Changes Better Balance Utilizations
With a 262 percent rise in population over the past two decades, RVS’ schools in Chestermere are experiencing significant and sustained enrolment growth. The Board approved changes to East Lake School’s grade configuration, which adds a second middle school to the city. The Christian and French Immersion programs for kindergarten to Grade 6 will remain at East Lake School and the Christian and French Immersion programs for Grades 7 to 9 will continue to be offered at Chestermere Lake Middle School.
School Designation Adjusted to Address Utilization at Muriel Clayton School
The Board of Trustees created new school designations for students residing in the Prairie Springs neighbourhood . as updated numbers indicated a change of designation for the Prairie Springs neighbourhood. Beginning in the 2025/26 school year, students residing in Prairie Springs will attend: Kindergarten to Grade 9 at Windsong Heights School; Grades 10 – 12 at W.H. Croxford High School
Education Plan Update
Administration provided the following updates:
- Provincial government mandatory literacy and numeracy screening and assessment results.
- Based on these literacy results, RVS will provide additional supports to 10 schools.
- RVS administered a new numeracy assessment aligned with the curriculum for Grade 4 – 10 students.
- A Career Learning Practice Guide provides guidance to all schools for advancing career learning Grade 1– 12.
- RVS is expanding positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) implementation across all schools and on school buses.
Trustee Orientation Ad Hoc Committee Created for Upcoming Trustee Election
An ad hoc committee has been created by the Board to guide development and delivery of the orientation process for new trustees following the election in October.
Building Upgrades to Schools in West Rocky View
Each year the maintenance department provides an update on the monies spent ensuring that our schools are safe and well.- maintained Alberta Education provides a grant to service our schools based on enrolment and square metres. The money comes in two buckets: (CMR Capital Maintenance and Renewal);and IMR (Infrastructure and Renewal. The following projects in West Rocky View are in process.
The site drainage project the Elbow Valley is completed except sod replacement
These are new projects that are scheduled: Springbank High School asphalt replacement, upgrading Westbrook condensing units in, Springbank Middle School elevator upgrade, a section of the roof at Elbow Valley being replaced, and Banded Peak Fob door installation is underway.
Board Approves Budget Development Process and Budget Priorities
Each year, the Board approves the budget development process and the budget priorities. These priorities are used to develop school/departmental budgets.
The budget priorities are strongly aligned with RVS’ Strategic Plan. The priorities for 2025/26 are:
- Provide direct resources to schools to support student learning with a focus on numeracy, literacy and new curriculum implementation.
- Support student and staff wellness.
- Enhance facilities and technology infrastructure.
- Target an operating reserve balance at the end of 2025/26 fiscal year, excluding transportation, at 1 to 2 per cent.
For 2025/26, schools have been directed to maintain optional school fees at the current levels, if possible, with no increases to individual courses greater than $10 or five per cent. No new alternative program fees for programs of choice are to be introduced.