Local Political News

TRUSTEE REPORT – Judi Hunter – Apr 2022

Judi Hunter – Ward 5 Trustee

From January to the end of June, Trustees are visiting schools to see how the District’s learning plan comes alive in each of out schools. It has been rewarding to visit with staff and students across the division and listen to personal stories of learning in Rocky View Schools.

As we move forward from the lockdowns, masking and isolation, students and teachers are excited to be returning to learning pre-pandemic. Although for many of our younger children and new teachers have not known anything different.

It was amazing to walk into our buildings and feel the energy, positivity, and excitement of our students. Our buildings are clean, well-maintained, open, and filled with light. Student art covers the walls and learning is acknowledged and celebrated throughout our buildings. All parts of the building are used for learning. Desks, tables, chairs, and fitness equipment pepper the hallways and are filled with students, reading, sharing, and learning. Schools exude a free flow of purposeful human activity. Technology is accessible and used as needed.

Rocky View School Division has a 4-year plan that focuses on literacy, numeracy, and innovation. Attention to the tenants of this plan were visible in each school. Students were engaged in project-based learning, solving math problems in unique ways, engaged in scientific experiments, engaged in debate, novel studies, and creative writing.

Our younger learners are provided leveled reading materials and are receiving targeted literacy instruction. The division has invested in the “Layers of Literacy” approach to teaching reading and has purchased assessment tools to measure our progress. It was evident to me that the additional support staff in schools is having a positive effect.

The Division has also provided supports to schools both by way of pedagogy and materials but also in support of developmental delays in students. Flexible furniture has been purchased that allows teachers and students to easily rearrange the learning environment to suit the learning purpose. Furniture and equipment have been purchased to address students who fidget or need to move and assistive learning tools such as language boards for non-verbal students.

All schools have been in-serviced in positive behavior intervention strategies to deal with students who are dysregulated. Staff has been introduced to mindfulness techniques to calm students or assist students who have anxiety.

Each school is equipped with a calming room and/or a support room where students can receive support. Elementary and middle schools have part or full-time Child Development Advisors trained to assist students with interpersonal issues. High schools are staffed with guidance counsellors.

Our technology, arts and practical arts at the secondary level are generally well equipped and provide a range of courses aimed to support student interests. Electronics, robotics, fabrication, carpentry, and media arts programs, foods, cosmetology all equip students with sophisticated concepts and skills. Most middle and high schools offer excellent band programs.

Judi Hunter

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