The Little School House Bragg Creek
Bragg Creek/Redwood Meadows

The Little Schoolhouse News – Jun 2024

Our school year has flown by, and we are looking forward to a month of celebrating all the learning, play and fun we have had!

As we honour and acknowledge Aboriginal Awareness month our classes will have the opportunity to learn from indigenous educators, Leslee Mills and Chantal Chagnon. Leslee will share with us the art and celebration of Pow Wow and Chantal will share indigenous culture through storytelling, drums, and songs.

We are so grateful to these two women who will so graciously share their knowledge, time, and talents with us.

Our classes are also excited for our last field trip of the year to the Calgary Zoo. They will have the opportunity to explore and learn about so many amazing creatures.

At the end of the month, we are looking forward to sharing songs and rhymes with our families in the Year End Celebration Concert! It will be a great way to complete our fantastic year.

Our students will take a well-deserved break for the summer, and we look forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new friends come September!

If you would like to join our community of families and friends, please see our website Registration is open!

Have a wonderful June

Ms. Shelley and The Little Schoolhouse team

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